The ENBREL Mini™ is a Single-Dose Prefilled Cartridge delivered with the AutoTouch™ Reusable Autoinjector. Vicky Ruffing, RN-BC, walks you through how to inject your medication with this new device.
A new type of therapy called Immunotherapy, is used to treat cancers. It’s been observed that Immunotherapy could lead to an over-activation of the immune system. In Rheumatology we’re seeing an increase in arthritis driven by this activation of the immune system. Dr. Cappelli discusses the questions she and her oncologist colleagues have about why this happens and how do we best evaluate and treat these patients.
Practicing yoga just two or three times a week can improve pain, physical fitness, and mood. Sometimes people living with arthritis can feel intimidated from approaching a yoga practice. In this video we’ll show you a few ways that you can modify a yoga practice to make it more accessible, safer, and more comfortable for those with arthritis. We’ll discuss safe ways to get up and down from the floor, ways to adjust the poses for both wrists and knees, and yoga poses that you can do seated in a chair.