Polymyositis is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in the muscles. It’s also commonly paired with other rheumatic diseases such as scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, or lupus. In this video, Dr. Lisa Christopher-Stine, the Director of the Myositis Center, explains the basics of polymyositis.
Polymyositis – Signs & Symptoms
Polymyoisitis – Diagnosis
Diagnosing polymyositis is a step by step process. The physician will start by doing a physical exam to assess their strength, followed by blood tests, an EMG, and a muscle biopsy. In this video, Dr. Lisa Christopher-Stine, the Director of the Myositis Center, discusses how polymyositis is diagnosed.
Polymyositis – Treatment
Polymyositis – Lifestyle Options
There are many things to do at home to ease the muscle pain and inflammation. Self-care, including massages, taking a break from work or working from home, and eating more holistically can help. In this video, Dr. Lisa Christopher-Stine, the Director of the Myositis Center, delves into how to live a normal, healthy life with a diagnosis of polymyositis.